Tuesday 31 January 2012

Playing sitting duck with Universities

STILL haven't heard from ANY Universities!
This is making me annoyed, angry and upset.
Get back to me soooooooooooon!!!

Body Painting Materials

Markers: Cheap, safe, slow
Airbrush make-up: Excellent, fast, safe. Expensive
MagicColour and Mehron Face Paints: Good quality, safe, moderate price
Texile Acrylics: Practical, safe, good looking and inexpensive
Liquid Latex: Fascinating material with many possibilities
PAX Make-up: Adhesive based paint with great staying power
Tempera: low quality and cheap

Liu Bolin

Bolin is a master of what he does, turning a bucket of paint into a real life illusion.
I would like to experiment with paint on skin to see what effects I can create in the studio. If I am able to create a smooth, even texture in a range of colours, I will then experiment with locations to try and paint the background onto the skin/clothes.
Finding suitable paint will have to be researched further to ensure no risks to health are breached.

Monday 30 January 2012

Camouflage Body Paint

When looking at Body Painting, I found some images of camouflage style painting. I really like this effect as it is almost an illusion that the person is part of the main foreground, but also linked to the background.

Body Painting

Body painting is something which has been taken up by many artists to produce amazing affects that almost trick the eye. So much hard work and time goes into each piece which is noticeable when observing the minor details.

Thursday 26 January 2012

Painting A Diary

I first came across this idea last week, but having lost my notes I have only just been able to find this particular artist again.
Kayleen West, a dedicated children's writer and illustrator, has decided to start a project which entitles her draw onto a calendar what happens in her days, much like a diary. I'm interested this idea as I have never seen this before, and I love the concept of drawing your plans onto a calendar instead of just writing them down.
West has taken this concept from literal to lateral, by keeping traditional methods of noting and using them to draw pictures i.e using pen. By still using a ballpoint pen for outlines and details, the images still have an essence of note taking by having the appearance of sketching- which may be to  show that the drawings only take a short amount of time to complete. Or it may be to exaggerate the fact that people need to slow down once a day and take time out to participate in an activity that they enjoy.


Monday 16 January 2012


Click on the slide!

Whilst researching 'Fire art' I came across a technique I hadn't thought about, Glass Blowing.
The stages of Glass Blowing requires fire to heat up the glass, which then enables a blower to exhale down a tube creating a ball. This ball can then be worked using different utensils to create a range of products.
The images above are pieces from the collection Spirale by Peter Layon, a London artist.

Car art

Incredible Mud Art

I suppose it makes a nice change to 'clean me'

21st Century diary

Social networking has become a kind of excuse to share with friends, and often complete strangers, your day-to-day activities.
Some people often post pointless things. A recent 'tweet' I came across was "Beards."
I mean, what was the point in that? I'm sure everyone is better off for knowing that you are aware of the word Beard. Well done.
What would happen if everyone posted exactly what they were thinking and doing?.....






Sunday 8 January 2012

Forth Plinth Proposal (draft)

The Forth Plinth was first started in 1998 by The Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA). The aim of the project is to commission pieces of art works based upon the ideas of the general public and the Commissioning Group.

My initial idea was to involve ordinary people and invite them onto the plinth, much like Antony Gormley’s One and Other (2009).
This made me think about what people have in common and the differences each person has. As a child I had a diary, and often spent hours where I should be sleeping endlessly writing my feelings and thoughts into this book. Privacy is something which everyone can relate to as many people have it, and many more would like more of it or want to share their own feelings and thoughts. So in my proposal, I would like to include a kind of diary/journal for the public to write in- may it be their wildest fantasy or deepest secret.
I thought about the theory of releasing bright balloons into the sky, each carrying a note from an individual. The visual aspect I think would be contrasting to the dull, pale backdrop of the area. But I feel that this doesn’t really fit well with the ‘Privacy’ part.
I then played with the idea of having a giant diary and stationary for participants to use. They will be encouraged to write bigger than normal so that onlookers will be able to read the contents of their diary, taking away the writers privacy.
The design and placement of the objects I would like to create for the plinth could be made out of old and recycled objects. The diary for instance made from old paper and cardboard, the cover being old school with doodles and stickers upon it. A problem may be found with finding the right stationary to write with. A marker pen or giant pencil may be an idea.
Health and Safety precautions will need to be taken out for this overall idea. A net could be used around the plinth to make sure no one could fall of it. If an incident should occur, a medical team will be placed in close range just in case the transaction from ground to plinth and vice-versa doesn’t go smoothly. Apart from this, anyone from the public will be welcome to participate in the exhibition.