Saturday 10 December 2011

Train tickets

In textiles, we were set a brief to explore the concepts of architecture and create a material that reflects the colours, shapes and feelings that receive from architecture.
As i travel a lot, i first thought of the journey which people go through when on long distance trips. Train stations are a great piece of engineering and architecture, which houses an even more impressive sight, the trains.
The features that specifically strike me in a train station is the curves and arches that surround window frames, and also the sheer amount of brick and steel that is used to produce this massive building. I like the rugged feel of being shielded, but very much still  in the elements.

I tried to research artists that use train tickets and could not really find any, but i came across a local train station in Japan, Nankai Namba Station, who's employees have spent three months reconstructing four pieces of famous art works entirely of you used train tickets.

Nick Sayers used recycled materials and constructs spheres and shelters. he used materials such as train tickets, playing cards, tape measures, bicycle wheels and coffee stirrers. i particularly like the sphere made from plastic bottles, the way the lighting defuses from dark to light and somehow still able to see the outlines of each individual bottle.

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