Monday 28 May 2012


How does the vulnerable human body experience the hard reality of steel and the physical power and the violence of the industrial machine ? What does the body feel inside the stressed, nervous industrial space ? The human body is connected to the body of the earth and alienates inside the industrial space. The human body feels by his nervous system. Copper is the nervous system of the earth. The performance "Body - Nervous System - Steel" consists of two parts.
In the first part the students are tied up to the machines of a steelplant while it is working. They are dressed in yellow ( nervous colour ) and are using copper wire ( nervous system ). While interfering in a symbolic way in the production process they feel the force, hardness, violence and weight of the steel and the machine.
During the second part four students are sitting motionless under a yellow cloth facing each other before a life audience in the hall of the steelplant. Only their heads are visible and motionless for the public eyes. The yellow cloth stands for nervous system. Their heads are enlarged by copper coloured hats. The form of the hats refer to the inquisition hats worn by heretics. The students are sitting between two videoscreens showing images of the first part. During the performance the students try to feel the vibrations connected to the industrial space. Under the cloth, invisible for the public, they write down their feelings.

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